New Zealand Rifle Brigade Reinforcement Drafts from World War 1

The New Zealand Rifle Brigade was formed in early 1915, and was initially called the Trentham Regiment, as this was where it was based and formed.
It was granted the title "Earl of Liverpool's Own" on the 1st of May in honor of the then Governor of New Zealand, Arthur William de Brito Savile Foljambe, the 2nd Earl of Liverpool (1912–20 - see opposite, Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-WP7399).
Initially at its formation, there were just two Battalions of the NZRB, the 1st and 2nd. But in August 1915, the Regiment was expanded to include a 3rd and 4th Battalion. They would fight as individual units in the field, and also have individual Reinforcement drafts associated with each Battalion. At the end of August 1915, the crest of Liverpool was adopted as their Badge, it was also here that they changed the Regimental title to "The Trentham Rifle Brigade" (Earl of Liverpool's Own).
On the 18th of September 1915, advanced parties from the 1st and 2nd Battalions were sent overseas to Egypt, while the Officers and men of the 3rd and 4th Battalions started to arrive at camp in New Zealand to begin training.
On the 1st of October 1915, the Regiment was re-designated the "The New Zealand Rifle Brigade—Earl of Liverpool's Own."
It was granted the title "Earl of Liverpool's Own" on the 1st of May in honor of the then Governor of New Zealand, Arthur William de Brito Savile Foljambe, the 2nd Earl of Liverpool (1912–20 - see opposite, Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-WP7399).
Initially at its formation, there were just two Battalions of the NZRB, the 1st and 2nd. But in August 1915, the Regiment was expanded to include a 3rd and 4th Battalion. They would fight as individual units in the field, and also have individual Reinforcement drafts associated with each Battalion. At the end of August 1915, the crest of Liverpool was adopted as their Badge, it was also here that they changed the Regimental title to "The Trentham Rifle Brigade" (Earl of Liverpool's Own).
On the 18th of September 1915, advanced parties from the 1st and 2nd Battalions were sent overseas to Egypt, while the Officers and men of the 3rd and 4th Battalions started to arrive at camp in New Zealand to begin training.
On the 1st of October 1915, the Regiment was re-designated the "The New Zealand Rifle Brigade—Earl of Liverpool's Own."
NZRB Reinforcements
Like their Infantry and Mounted Rifle counterparts, the NZRB Reinforcement was allowed to privately purchase and wear a brass cap and collar badges. These were exactly the same as their Infantry counterparts, except that a different "Draft" letter was used on the front with the Reinforcement number.
Generally they were as follows:
E - 1st Battalion NZ Rifle Brigade Reinforcements
F - 2nd Battalion NZ Rifle Brigade Reinforcements
G - 3rd Battalion NZ Rifle Brigade Reinforcements
H - 4th Battalion NZ Rifle Brigade Reinforcements
J - used as both Infantry and NZRB Reinforcements as a pool draft.
The advance party of the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the New Zealand Rifle Brigade left with the 6th Reinforcements on the 16th of Sept 1915 with the 2nd Maori Contingent and Infantry Reinforcements.
It contained the following:
- The 1st Battalion of the NZRB - 1 Officers & 50 Other Ranks
- The 2nd Battalion of the NZRB - 1 Officers & 50 Other Ranks
Vessel used from Wellington: Waitemata - Wellington to Suez - 38 days duration.
Generally they were as follows:
E - 1st Battalion NZ Rifle Brigade Reinforcements
F - 2nd Battalion NZ Rifle Brigade Reinforcements
G - 3rd Battalion NZ Rifle Brigade Reinforcements
H - 4th Battalion NZ Rifle Brigade Reinforcements
J - used as both Infantry and NZRB Reinforcements as a pool draft.
The advance party of the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the New Zealand Rifle Brigade left with the 6th Reinforcements on the 16th of Sept 1915 with the 2nd Maori Contingent and Infantry Reinforcements.
It contained the following:
- The 1st Battalion of the NZRB - 1 Officers & 50 Other Ranks
- The 2nd Battalion of the NZRB - 1 Officers & 50 Other Ranks
Vessel used from Wellington: Waitemata - Wellington to Suez - 38 days duration.
Early Type NZRB Badges

Members of the New Zealand Rifle Brigade Reinforcements tended to wear the formation patch to their hat while training in New Zealand. They follow the following patterns
- Brigade Headquarters - Reinforcements associated wore a Black 8 pointed star.
- 1st Battalion - NZRB - Reinforcements associated wore a Black square worn as a diamond.
- 2nd Battalion - NZRB - Reinforcements associated wore a Black square.
- 3rd Battalion - NZRB - Reinforcements associated wore a Black triangle, widest part at base.
- 4th Battalion - NZRB - Reinforcements associated wore a Black triangle, widest part at top, so upside down.
- Opposite: A sterling silver (not marked) hat pin for a ladies hat. It should have a long pin to back, but this is missing. To front it has "EARL OF LIVERPOOL'S OWN, N.Z. TRENTS". Size 24.7mm diameter (image from the internet).
- Brigade Headquarters - Reinforcements associated wore a Black 8 pointed star.
- 1st Battalion - NZRB - Reinforcements associated wore a Black square worn as a diamond.
- 2nd Battalion - NZRB - Reinforcements associated wore a Black square.
- 3rd Battalion - NZRB - Reinforcements associated wore a Black triangle, widest part at base.
- 4th Battalion - NZRB - Reinforcements associated wore a Black triangle, widest part at top, so upside down.
- Opposite: A sterling silver (not marked) hat pin for a ladies hat. It should have a long pin to back, but this is missing. To front it has "EARL OF LIVERPOOL'S OWN, N.Z. TRENTS". Size 24.7mm diameter (image from the internet).
- Above: An interesting image of 3/1781 Private Daniel Dickenson Metge, who was attached overseas to the 3rd Battalion NZRB as part of the New Zealand Medical Corps, but also in No. 2 and & No. 3 Field Ambulance. The image is dated 1916, and taken in NZ, but he wears a NZRB Headquarters patch of a Black Star, formed by two overlaping squares behind his NZMC Cap badge. He has two NZMC Collar badges and a curved brass title to his shoulder boards (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-M0796)
- Above: A similar image of 3/1678 Lance Corporal Claude Channon Hill, who was also attached overseas, to the 3rd Battalion NZRB, as well as serving with No. 3 Field Ambulance. The image is dated 1916, and taken in NZ, but he is also wearing a NZRB Headquarters patch of a Black Star, formed by two overlaping squares behind his NZMC Cap badge. He has two NZMC Collar badges and a curved "NZMC" brass title to his shoulder boards (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections31-H0604
- Above: an image of 23/144 Private Octavius George Garlick, dated 1916. Initially he was part of the Pioneer Battalion, but was attached to the 1st Battalion, NZRB. He wears a 1st Battalion patch to his peaked cap and curved "NZR" titles to his shoulder board. Note the Pioneer trade sleeve badges to the cuffs of his tunic. Crossed Axes (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-G0457).
- Above: An image of 24/584 Rifleman Kenneth Reilly Spencer, here on his return from being a member of the Samoan Advance Party, and now 2nd Battalion New Zealand Rifle Brigade, Reinforcements. He wears a black square to his peaked cap and plain black buttons, with 4 holes to center for sewing on (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-S1115).
- Above: An image of 25/1033 Sergeant Norman Berridge Spencer, here with the 3rd Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade Reinforcements. Note the triangle backing patch to his peaked cap, with base of triangle at the bottom. He wears a set of NZRB Cap, Collars and curved brass "NZRB" shoulder titles. His buttons are the rounded, kings crown Rifle Brigade type, used on some reinforcement uniforms (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-S1121).
- Above: An image of 26/936 Rifleman Lewis Albert Warren, here with a 4th Battalion backing patch to his hat and behind his Cap badge. Note here wears to left collars (or Cap badges) to his collar. He was sadly killed in action on the 7th of June 1917 in Belgium (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-W1283).
Below are some examples of the early type "ELO" or Earl of Liverpool Own Cap badges, worn by the initial drafts. Nearly all I have encountered seem to have or started out having, a brooch fitting to back. The handful I have seen with lugs, show signs that they have been modified later.
- Above: A two piece ELO Cap badge. This is the frame type with NZ in circles on the wreath. Die stamped frame with the center soldered onto front. Brooch fitting to back which is missing the pin.
- Above: A two piece ELO1 Cap badge. This is a die stamped frame, with the center soldered onto front. To brass loops to back, messily done, and likely replacements. No maker mark (image from the internet).
- Above: A two piece ELO1 Cap badge. This is a solid backed frame. To back is a brooch fitting, missing pin and hook. No maker mark (image from the internet).
- Above: An image of 23/900 Percy Raymond Ross. Percy was a 1st Battalion NZRB Reinforcement, and this can been seen by the square on its side, forming a diamond shape behind his Cap badge in black material. He started his training on the 31st of May 1915, and was in NZ, training, until the 9th of Oct 1915. So presumably the photo was taken between these dates and gives a rough idea of when these badges appeared. He was part of the "main body" of the 1st Battalion, deploying to France. Sadly he was presumed killed in action on the 15th of Sept 1916 (his body was never found) on the Somme, and is remembered on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial, Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval, Somme, France (Image taken from Knowledge Bank Hawkes Bay 447963).
- Above: An image of possibly 23/1073 Rifleman John Stanley Howell with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. The image is dated 1916, and he is wearing a "ELO" over "1" to his round frame Cap badge. To his collar are two opposing NZRB Collar badges, and he has curved brass shoulder titles, likely "NZRB". Note the marksman badges to his tunic cuffs (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-H0644).
- Above: A two piece ELO1 Cap badge. This is the frame type with NZ in circles on the wreath. Die stamped frame with the center soldered onto front. Note the reverse of number over ELO. Two lugs to back which are on round bases (image from the internet).
- Above: A two piece ELO2 Cap badge. This is a solid backed with the center soldered onto front. Brooch fitting to back, with no maker mark.
- Above: A two piece ELO2 Cap badge. This is the frame type with NZ on the wreath and "R" for Reinforcement to base. Die stamped frame with the center soldered onto front. Brooch fitting to back.
- Opposite: An image of 24/79 Rifleman William Thomas Christian, here a member 2nd Battalion New Zealand Rifle Brigade. He is wearing to his slouch hat a "ELO" over a "2". He has no other insignia other than is NZ Forces Buttons (Image from the Auckland Cenotaph). |
The 7th Reinforcements left NZ on the 9th of Oct 1915.
It contained the following.
- Headquarters - 3 Officers & 23 Other Ranks
- The 1st Battalion of the NZRB - 29 Officers & 982 Other Ranks
- The 2nd Battalion of the NZRB - 29 Officers & 994 Other Ranks
Vessels used from Wellington: Maunganui, Tahiti, Aparima, Navua and Warrimoo - Wellington to Suez - 36 to 41 days duration.
It contained the following.
- Headquarters - 3 Officers & 23 Other Ranks
- The 1st Battalion of the NZRB - 29 Officers & 982 Other Ranks
- The 2nd Battalion of the NZRB - 29 Officers & 994 Other Ranks
Vessels used from Wellington: Maunganui, Tahiti, Aparima, Navua and Warrimoo - Wellington to Suez - 36 to 41 days duration.
8th NZRB Draft
As well as the above, the 8th NZRB Reinforcement used the Company letters E (1st Batt) and F (2nd Batt).
- Above: A 2 piece, gilt brass Cap badge to the 8th "F" Company Reinforcements (2nd Batt NZRB). Solid backed, and on a smaller frame to the opposite badge, it has a brooch fitting to back. No maker mark.
The 8th Reinforcements were the 2nd draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalion of NZRB, and left NZ on the 14th of Nov 1915.
It contained the following.
- Headquarters - 4 Other Ranks
- The 1st Battalion of the NZRB - 5 Officers & 202 Other Ranks
- The 2nd Battalion of the NZRB - 5 Officers & 196 Other Ranks
Vessels used from Wellington: Willochra and Tofua - Wellington to Suez - 35 days duration.
It contained the following.
- Headquarters - 4 Other Ranks
- The 1st Battalion of the NZRB - 5 Officers & 202 Other Ranks
- The 2nd Battalion of the NZRB - 5 Officers & 196 Other Ranks
Vessels used from Wellington: Willochra and Tofua - Wellington to Suez - 35 days duration.
9th NZRB Draft
The 9th NZRB Reinforcement used the Company letters E (1st Batt), F (2nd Batt), G (3rd Batt) and H (4th Batt).
- Above: A 2 piece, gilt brass Cap badge to the 9th E Company Reinforcements (1st Batt NZRB). Die stamped, with two copper wire looped lugs to back. No maker mark.
- Above: A 2 piece, gilt brass Cap badge to the 9th E Company Reinforcements (1st Batt NZRB). Die stamped, with "NZ" and "R" to front of frame. Two hex type brass lugs to back. No maker mark.
- Above Left: A 2 piece, gilt brass Cap badge to the 9th F Company Reinforcements (2nd Batt NZRB). Die stamped, with two copper wire looped lugs to back. No maker mark.
- Above Right: A rare 2 piece, gilt brass Collar badge to the 9th F Company Reinforcements (2nd Batt NZRB). Die stamped, with two copper wire looped lugs to back. No maker mark. |
- Above: A 2 piece, gilt brass Cap badge to the 9th F Company Reinforcements(2nd Batt NZRB). Die stamped, with "NZ" and "R" to front of frame. Two hex type brass lugs to back. No maker mark.

The 9th Reinforcements were the 3rd draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalion of NZRB, and contained the advance party for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of the NZRB. They left NZ on the 5th Feb 1916.
It contained the following.
- The 1st Battalion of the NZRB - 7 Officers & 295 Other Ranks
- The 2nd Battalion of the NZRB - 6 Officers & 302 Other Ranks
- The 3rd Battalion of the NZRB - 1 Officers & 50 Other Ranks
- The 4th Battalion of the NZRB - 1 Officers & 50 Other Ranks
Vessels used from Wellington: Maunganui, Tahiti and Warrimoo - Wellington to Suez - 29 to 32 days duration.
- Opposite: An image of 24/1850 Rifleman Norman Warren, of the 2nd Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, and here, as a member of "F" Comapny 9th Reinforcements. He wears a round frame "F" over "9" to his collar (see above) and a curved brass "NZRB" to his shoulder board (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-W1278).
The main body of the 3rd and 4th Battalions of the NZRB, left NZ on the 6th-7th of February 1916 with the 3rd Maori Contingent.
It contained the following.
- The 3rd Battalion of the NZRB - 29 Officers & 984 Other Ranks
- The 4th Battalion of the NZRB - 27 Officers & 925 Other Ranks
Vessels used from Wellington: Ulimarua, Mokora and Navua - Wellington to Suez - 36 to 40 days duration.
Horse Transport "Waitemata" sailed on the 12th of Feb from New Zealand, and contained:
- The 3rd Battalion of the NZRB - 2 Officers & 33 Other Ranks
- The 4th Battalion of the NZRB - 2 Officers & 34 Other Ranks
Horse Transport "Waihora" sailed on the 22nd of Feb from New Zealand, and contained:
- The 3rd Battalion of the NZRB - 4 Other Ranks
- The 4th Battalion of the NZRB - 11 Other Ranks
Horse Transport "Apatitua" sailed on the 29th of Feb from New Zealand, and contained:
- The 2nd Battalion of the NZRB - 9 Officers
It contained the following.
- The 1st Battalion of the NZRB - 7 Officers & 295 Other Ranks
- The 2nd Battalion of the NZRB - 6 Officers & 302 Other Ranks
- The 3rd Battalion of the NZRB - 1 Officers & 50 Other Ranks
- The 4th Battalion of the NZRB - 1 Officers & 50 Other Ranks
Vessels used from Wellington: Maunganui, Tahiti and Warrimoo - Wellington to Suez - 29 to 32 days duration.
- Opposite: An image of 24/1850 Rifleman Norman Warren, of the 2nd Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, and here, as a member of "F" Comapny 9th Reinforcements. He wears a round frame "F" over "9" to his collar (see above) and a curved brass "NZRB" to his shoulder board (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-W1278).
The main body of the 3rd and 4th Battalions of the NZRB, left NZ on the 6th-7th of February 1916 with the 3rd Maori Contingent.
It contained the following.
- The 3rd Battalion of the NZRB - 29 Officers & 984 Other Ranks
- The 4th Battalion of the NZRB - 27 Officers & 925 Other Ranks
Vessels used from Wellington: Ulimarua, Mokora and Navua - Wellington to Suez - 36 to 40 days duration.
Horse Transport "Waitemata" sailed on the 12th of Feb from New Zealand, and contained:
- The 3rd Battalion of the NZRB - 2 Officers & 33 Other Ranks
- The 4th Battalion of the NZRB - 2 Officers & 34 Other Ranks
Horse Transport "Waihora" sailed on the 22nd of Feb from New Zealand, and contained:
- The 3rd Battalion of the NZRB - 4 Other Ranks
- The 4th Battalion of the NZRB - 11 Other Ranks
Horse Transport "Apatitua" sailed on the 29th of Feb from New Zealand, and contained:
- The 2nd Battalion of the NZRB - 9 Officers
10th NZRB Draft
The 10th NZRB Reinforcement used the Company letters E (1st Batt), F (2nd Batt), G (3rd Batt) and H (4th Batt).
- Above: A 2 piece, gilt brass Cap badge to the 10th E Company Reinforcements(1st Batt NZRB). Die stamped, with "NZ" and "R" to front of frame. Two hex type brass lugs to back. No maker mark.
The 10th Reinforcements were the 4th draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalion of NZRB. It contained NO reinforcements for the 3rd and 4th Battalions. They left NZ on the 11th of Mar 1916.
- Headquarters - 1 Other Ranks
- The 1st Battalion of the NZRB - 5 Officers & 197 Other Ranks
- The 2nd Battalion of the NZRB - 5 Officers & 190 Other Ranks
Vessels used from Wellington: Willochra and Tofua - Wellington to Suez - 35 days duration.
- Headquarters - 1 Other Ranks
- The 1st Battalion of the NZRB - 5 Officers & 197 Other Ranks
- The 2nd Battalion of the NZRB - 5 Officers & 190 Other Ranks
Vessels used from Wellington: Willochra and Tofua - Wellington to Suez - 35 days duration.
11th NZRB Draft
The 11th NZRB Reinforcement used the Company letters E (1st Batt), F (2nd Batt), G (3rd Batt) and H (4th Batt).
- Above: A two piece, large frame type Cap badge to E Company, 11th Reinforcements (1st Batt NZRB). Extra gilt has been applied, and brooch fitting to back. No maker mark.
- Above: A two piece, large frame type Cap badge to F Company, 11th Reinforcements (2nd Batt NZRB). Two hex type brass lugs to back. No maker mark.
- Above: A interesting frame type. Two piece, Cap badge with just a separate letter to upper center, to G Company, 11th Reinforcements (3rd Batt NZRB). The Frame continued, but not the concept of just one letter. Two hex type brass lugs to back. No maker mark.

- Opposite: An image of 23/2269 Rifleman John Rankin (also known as Hone Heke Rankin), here of "E" Company (1st Battalion), 11th Reinforcements of the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. He wears a "E" over "11" on a frame with "R" to base. To his collar are a pair of NZRB badges, while he has a curved "NZRB title to his shoulder board (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-R0943).
The 11th Reinforcements left NZ on the 2nd of April 1916. They were the 5th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions, and the 2nd draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
From the 11th Reinforcements, New Zealand Army records combine the total men which make up the Reinforcement draft to the Rifle Brigade with the New Zealand Infantry as one figure. The all would receive further training at Sling or Brockton Camps in the UK, and then be "assigned" to their unit or Reserve and "marched out" to France.
- The 11th Draft consisted of 48 Officers and 1766 Other ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Maunganui and Tahiti - Wellington to Suez - 35 days duration.
The 11th Reinforcements left NZ on the 2nd of April 1916. They were the 5th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions, and the 2nd draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
From the 11th Reinforcements, New Zealand Army records combine the total men which make up the Reinforcement draft to the Rifle Brigade with the New Zealand Infantry as one figure. The all would receive further training at Sling or Brockton Camps in the UK, and then be "assigned" to their unit or Reserve and "marched out" to France.
- The 11th Draft consisted of 48 Officers and 1766 Other ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Maunganui and Tahiti - Wellington to Suez - 35 days duration.
12th NZRB Draft
The 12th NZRB Reinforcement used the Company letters E (1st Batt), F (2nd Batt), G (3rd Batt) and H (4th Batt).
- Above: Same frame type Cap badge as the above 11th "G" Company badge, but now with separate number and letter. Two piece, in gilt brass to E Company, 12th Reinforcements (1st Batt NZRB). Two hex brass lugs to back, no maker mark.
- Above: A two piece Cap badge , in gilt brass to F Company, 12th Reinforcements (2nd Batt NZRB). Two hex brass lugs to back, no maker mark.
- Above: A two piece Cap badge, in gilt brass to G Company, 12th Reinforcements (3rd Batt NZRB). Two hex brass lugs to back, no maker mark.
- Above: A two piece, silver (not marked) sweethearts badge to "H" Company, 12th Reinforcements (4th Batt NZRB). Separate "H" over "12" on a large frame. Brooch fitting to back and no maker mark (image from the internet).
- Above: A two piece, silver (not marked) sweethearts badge to "H" Company, 12th Reinforcements (4th Batt NZRB). Separate "H" over "12" on a Collar size frame. Brooch fitting to back and no maker mark (image from the internet).
- Above: An image of possibly 11146 Rifleman Leonard Vincent Winks, here of "E" Company (1st Battalion, NZRB), 12th Reinforcements. He wears the above oval framed "E" over "12", but has a pair of New Zealand Corps of Signal Collar badges to his tunic. He has something also to his shoulder board, but its not visible from this angle (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-W1380).
The 12th Reinforcements left NZ on the 1st and 6th of May 1916. It was the 6th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 3rd draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 12th Draft consisted of 49 Officers and 1654 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Ulimaroa, Mokota and Navua - Wellington to Suez - 40 days duration.
The 12th Reinforcements left NZ on the 1st and 6th of May 1916. It was the 6th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 3rd draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 12th Draft consisted of 49 Officers and 1654 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Ulimaroa, Mokota and Navua - Wellington to Suez - 40 days duration.
13th NZRB Draft
The 13th NZRB Reinforcement used the Company letters E (1st Batt), F (2nd Batt), G (3rd Batt), H (4th Batt), while J was used as a "pool" or shared company with the Infantry.

From the 13th Reinforcements onwards, there was no longer a need to ferry troops associated with the ANZAC and New Zealand Divisions via Suez, as both Divisions had moved to France.
It also meant that the Mounted Rifle Reinforcements and their associated units would now leave on separate vessels for Suez and the Middle East, often, via Australia to take advantage of combining with Australian Reinforcement Transports.
The 13th Reinforcements were at sea, when their route changed.
The 13th Reinforcements left NZ on the 27th of May 1916. It was the 7th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 4th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 13th Draft consisted of 45 Officers and 1339 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Willochra and Tofua via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 58 days duration.
- Opposite: An image of 23314 Corporal George Ambrose Quinlan, here of "E" Company (1st Battalion) 13th Reinforcements for the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. He later trasnfered in England to the Auckland Infantry Battalion and was sadly killed in action on the 26th March 1918. He wears a generic one piece gilt brass reinforcement Cap badge with "XIII" to center, and had a pair of NZRB badges to his collars. Note on his shoulder strap he has a "XIII" over a curved "NZR" title (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-Q4586).
It also meant that the Mounted Rifle Reinforcements and their associated units would now leave on separate vessels for Suez and the Middle East, often, via Australia to take advantage of combining with Australian Reinforcement Transports.
The 13th Reinforcements were at sea, when their route changed.
The 13th Reinforcements left NZ on the 27th of May 1916. It was the 7th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 4th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 13th Draft consisted of 45 Officers and 1339 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Willochra and Tofua via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 58 days duration.
- Opposite: An image of 23314 Corporal George Ambrose Quinlan, here of "E" Company (1st Battalion) 13th Reinforcements for the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. He later trasnfered in England to the Auckland Infantry Battalion and was sadly killed in action on the 26th March 1918. He wears a generic one piece gilt brass reinforcement Cap badge with "XIII" to center, and had a pair of NZRB badges to his collars. Note on his shoulder strap he has a "XIII" over a curved "NZR" title (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-Q4586).
14th NZRB Draft
The 14th NZRB Reinforcement used the Company letters E (1st Batt), F (2nd Batt), G (3rd Batt), H (4th Batt), while J was used as a "pool" or shared company with the Infantry.
- Above: Large frame type Cap badge in 2 piece, gilt brass with RD or Registered Design number "RD812" to front. Hand cut center to E company, 14th Reinforcements (1st Batt, NZRB). Two brass hex type lugs to back (image from the internet).
- Above: A two piece, large frame type Cap badge to E Company, 14th Reinforcements (1st Batt NZRB). Two hex type brass lugs to back. No maker mark.
- Above Right: An image of 15110 Rifleman William Augustus Williams, here a member of "E" Company, 14th Reinforcements (8th Reinforcement draft for the 1st Batt, NZRB). He wears a "E" over "XIV" Reinforcement badge to his peaked cap, and I believe generic "XIV" Collar badges (hard to make out. He has a curve "NZRB" to his shoulder board (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-W1337).
- Above: A two piece Cap badge, in white metal to center, and gilt brass frame to F Company, 14th Reinforcements (2nd Batt NZRB). Two long copper looped lugs to back, no maker mark.
- Opposite: An image of 14321 Rifleman Mark Pirrit, here part of "E" Company, 14th Reinforcements (8th Reinforcements for the 1st Batt, NZRB). He wears a "E" over "XIV" Cap badge (same frame as "G" over "XIV" below) to his peaked cap. He has a "XIV" generic framed reinforcement Collar badge to his tunic and a curved brass "NZRB" title (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-P0914). |
- Above: A two piece Cap badge , in 9ct Gold, with Stirling Silver frame to H Company, 14th Reinforcements (4th Batt NZRB). Brooched to back, with "9ct" stamped to back of "H". There is no mark to frame. Note one arm of the "V" in XIV has been snapped off.
The 14th Reinforcements left NZ on the 26th of June 1916. It was the 8th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 5th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 14th Draft consisted of 43 Officers and 1650 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Maunganui and Tahiti via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 59 days duration.
- The 14th Draft consisted of 43 Officers and 1650 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Maunganui and Tahiti via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 59 days duration.
- Above: A slightly faded image of No. 2 Platoon, E Company, 14th Reinforcements, possibly on the famous Rimutaka route march. Note the Officer to front (with pipe). A really mixed of cap badges, with some wearing generic NZRB Reio badges, a single chap wearing a NZRB Collar badge as a Cap, and others wearing Letter over number large framed type badges. No detail or writing to back, and no maker mark.
15th NZRB Draft
The 15th NZRB Reinforcement used the Company letters E (1st Batt), F (2nd Batt), G (3rd Batt) and H (4th Batt).
- Above: Large frame type Cap badge in 2 piece, gilt brass with RD or Registered Design number "RD812" to front. Hand cut center to E company, 15th Reinforcements (1st Batt, NZRB). Two brass hex type lugs to back.
- Above: A mid size Cap badge frame type, in two piece gilt brass, to F Company, 15th Reinforcements (2nd Batt, NZRB). Two copper looped wire lugs to back, with no maker mark.
- Above: Large frame type Cap badge in 2 piece, gilt brass with RD or Registered Design number "RD812" to front. To G company, 15th Reinforcements (3rd Batt, NZRB). Brooched to back.

- Opposite: A two piece Cap badge, in darkened brass to H Company, 15th Reinforcements (4th Batt Batt NZRB). Two flat hex type brass lugs to back, no maker mark.
The 15th Reinforcements left NZ on the 26th & 29th of July 1916. It was the 9th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 6th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 15th Draft consisted of 47 Officers and 1613 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Waitemata and Ulimaroa via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 66 days duration.
The 15th Reinforcements left NZ on the 26th & 29th of July 1916. It was the 9th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 6th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 15th Draft consisted of 47 Officers and 1613 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Waitemata and Ulimaroa via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 66 days duration.
16th NZRB Draft
The 16th NZRB Reinforcement used the Company letters E (1st Batt), F (2nd Batt), G (3rd Batt) and H (4th Batt).
- Above: A rare frame type which was only worn by E and F Company of the 16th Reinforcements. Die stamped, one piece gilt brass Cap badge to E Company, 16th Reinforcements (1st Batt, NZRB). Brass hex type lugs to back, with no maker mark.
- Opposite: A image of J J Andrews who is wearing a set of E Coy, 16th Reinforcement Cap and Collar badges. He has a shoulder number to strap along with a curved "NZR" (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-A1832). |

- Opposite: The matching, die stamped, one piece gilt brass Collar badges to E Company, 16th Reinforcements (1st Batt, NZRB). Brass hex type lugs to back, with no maker mark.
- Above: A sterling silver sweethearts badge in the shape of a "E" Company, 16th Reinforcement badge. Brooch fitting to back (image from the internet).
- Opposite: A family image of a Rifleman with two ladies. He wears an oval shaped framed "E" Company, 16th Reinforcement badge to his peak cap. He has a pair of brass "E" over "XVI" Collar badges in brass. Note both ladies wear the above sweethearts badge to their throats (Auckland Library Heritage Collections 31-M1770). |
- Above: A 2 piece, Stirling Silver Cap badge to F Company, 16th Reinforcements (2nd Batt, NZRB). Two brass hex lugs to back. Stamped "Stg. Silver" to frame.
- Above: A 2 piece, gilt brass Cap badge to F Company, 16th Reinforcements (2nd Batt, NZRB). Two brass hex lugs to back, with no maker mark.
- Above Left: A single piece, gilt brass Collar badge to F Company, 16th Reinforcements (2nd Batt, NZRB). Two brass hex lugs to back, with no maker mark. As you might realise, this is just a Cap badge center, which has had lugs attached.
- Above Right: Same again, but extra gilt brass Collar badge to F Company, 16th Reinforcements (2nd Batt, NZRB). It has been brooched to back. No maker mark and sadly missing its pin. |
- Above: A gilt brass Cap badge, 2 piece, to H Company, 16th Reinforcements (4th Batt, NZRB). Two copper wire lugs to back. No maker mark (image from the internet).
- Above: A gold and Stirling Silver badge to H Company, 16th Reinforcements (4th Batt, NZRB). Brooch fitting to back. Not marked to back.
The 16th Reinforcements left NZ on the 19th and 20th of August 1916. It was the 10th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 7th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 16th Draft consisted of 46 Officers and 1734 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Aparima, Mokota & Navua via Cape Good Hope - to Newport - 72 days duration.
- The 16th Draft consisted of 46 Officers and 1734 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Aparima, Mokota & Navua via Cape Good Hope - to Newport - 72 days duration.
17th and beyond NZRB Drafts
The 17th NZRB Reinforcement used the Company letters E (1st Batt), F (2nd Batt), G (3rd Batt) and H (4th Batt).
- Above: A two piece, 9ct Gold letter/numbers on a Stirling Silver frame to E Company, 17th Reinforcements. A Sweethearts badge, with brooch fitting to back (Ian Hamilton Collection).
- Above: A single piece, gilt brass Cap badge to the F Company, 17th Reinforcements (2nd Batt, NZRB). Two hex type, brass lugs to back, but no maker mark.
- Above: A silver framed badge with a gold center with "F" over "XVII" to "F" Company, 17th Reinforcements. Brooched to back, it has a stamp to the back of the crown which says "ST. SILV" (image from the internet).
- Above: A single piece, gilt brass Cap badge to the H Company, 17th Reinforcements (4th Batt, NZRB). Two hex type, brass lugs to back, but no maker mark. Size 39mm by 34mm

- Opposite: A two piece, gilt brass Cap badge to "H" Company, 17th Reinforcements (4th Batt, NZRB). Two copper looped lugs to back with no maker mark (image from the internet).
The 17 Reinforcements left NZ on the 23rd and 25th of September 1916. It was the 11th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 8th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 17th Draft consisted of 39 Officers and 1883 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Devon and Pakeha via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 58 days duration.
The 17 Reinforcements left NZ on the 23rd and 25th of September 1916. It was the 11th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 8th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 17th Draft consisted of 39 Officers and 1883 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Devon and Pakeha via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 58 days duration.
From the 18th Reinforcements many of the New Zealand Rifle Brigade start to wear some of the Infantry generic types, and also their own generic type as discussed below, so the letter/number on frame type Reinforcement badges become scarcer and less popular.
The 18th Reinforcements left NZ on the 11th and 16th of October 1916. It was the 12th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 9th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 18th Draft consisted of 40 Officers and 1820 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Willochra and Tofua via Cape Good Hope - to Devonport - 77 days duration.
The 18th Reinforcements left NZ on the 11th and 16th of October 1916. It was the 12th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 9th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 18th Draft consisted of 40 Officers and 1820 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Willochra and Tofua via Cape Good Hope - to Devonport - 77 days duration.

The 19th Reinforcements left NZ on the 15th of Nov 1916. It was the 13th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 10th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 19th Draft consisted of 19 Officers and 1687 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Maunganui and Tahiti via Cape Good Hope - to Devonport - 74 days duration.
- Opposite: A two piece, gilt brass Cap badge, to G Company, 19th Reinforcements (3rd Batt, NZRB). Two copper looped lugs to back, but no maker mark.
- Above: A two piece, wide frame gilt brass Cap badge to G Company, 20th Reinforcements (3rd Batt, NZRB). Two copper looped lugs to back, but no maker mark.
- Above: A two piece, gilt brass Cap badge, to H Company, 20th Reinforcements (4th Batt, NZRB). Two copper looped lugs to back, but no maker mark.
- Above Right: An image of 30384 Rifleman George Lawton Messenger, here of "H" Company, 20th Reinforcements (11th Reinforcements for the NZRB). He is wearing the above center badge, with "H" over "XX". His greatcoat covers his other insignia, but from other images on the Auckland Cenotaph, he is wearing two of the same facing NZRB Collar badges. George joined the 5th Reserve Battalion of the NZRB in the UK, but was assigned to the Wellington Infantry Regiment in France (Auckland Library Heritage Collections 31-M2338).
- Above: A two piece, wide frame gilt brass Cap badge to H Company, 20th Reinforcements (4th Batt, NZRB). Two copper looped lugs to back, but no maker mark.
- Above: A two piece, wide frame gilt brass Cap badge to H Company, 20th Reinforcements (4th Batt, NZRB). Brooch fitting to back, but no maker mark.
The 20th NZRB reinforcements used only G, H & J Companies, and were the 14th draft for the 1st and 2nds Battalions and the 11th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
1st Draft of the 20th Reinforcements left NZ on the 7th of Dec 1916.
- The Draft consisted of 12 Officers and 665 Other Ranks.
2nd Draft of the 20th Reinforcements left NZ on the 30th of Dec 1916 & 2nd of Jan 1917.
- The Drafts consisted of 27 Officers and 932 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Port Lyttelton, Athenic and Opawa via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 87 days duration.
1st Draft of the 20th Reinforcements left NZ on the 7th of Dec 1916.
- The Draft consisted of 12 Officers and 665 Other Ranks.
2nd Draft of the 20th Reinforcements left NZ on the 30th of Dec 1916 & 2nd of Jan 1917.
- The Drafts consisted of 27 Officers and 932 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Port Lyttelton, Athenic and Opawa via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 87 days duration.
- Above: A personalised 22nd Reinforcement Cap Badge which has had its center wreath and Moa removed and a "J" over "22", hand-cut letter/number added. Two hex type brass lugs to back and size 48mm by 35mm.
- Opposite: A image of Rifleman Collins, dated 1917 wearing the above badge type. He has two NZRB badges to his collar and a "22" over a "NZRB" brass title to his shoulder strap (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-C2240). |
The 22nd NZRB reinforcements used only G, H & J Companies, and left NZ on the 13th & 16th of Feb 1917. They were the 16th draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 13th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- They consisted of 40 Officers and 1692 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Aparima, Mokoia and Navua via Cape Good Hope - to Devonport - 72 days duration.
- They consisted of 40 Officers and 1692 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Aparima, Mokoia and Navua via Cape Good Hope - to Devonport - 72 days duration.

The 23rd NZRB reinforcements used only G, H & J Companies, and were the 17th draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 14th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
1st Draft of the 23rd Reinforcements left NZ on the 14th of Mar 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 18 Officers and 871 Other Ranks.
2nd Draft of the 23rd Reinforcements left NZ on the 3rd of April 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 22 Officers and 944 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Ruapehu and Corinthic via Cape Horn & Cape Town - to London - 70 days duration.
- Opposite: A 9ct Gold and Stirling Silver sweethearts badge to J Company, 23rd Reinforcements. Brooch fitting to back (Ian Hamilton collection).
1st Draft of the 23rd Reinforcements left NZ on the 14th of Mar 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 18 Officers and 871 Other Ranks.
2nd Draft of the 23rd Reinforcements left NZ on the 3rd of April 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 22 Officers and 944 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Ruapehu and Corinthic via Cape Horn & Cape Town - to London - 70 days duration.
- Opposite: A 9ct Gold and Stirling Silver sweethearts badge to J Company, 23rd Reinforcements. Brooch fitting to back (Ian Hamilton collection).
- Opposite: A full length photo of 40548 Rifleman Ernest Alfred Grindrod. Ernest was a member of G Company 23rd Reinforcements, so training as part of the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. He is wearing a generic pattern NZRB Cap badge, high crown, with a separate NZRB badge to center See bottom section on the Generic NZRB Badges. He also has two NZRB collars.
- Above: A later photo of 40548 Rifleman Ernest Alfred Grindrod. Possibly taken in the UK or France, where he joined B Company, 2nd Battalion of the NZRB. Note the Puggaree on his Lemon Squeezer, which will have a Khaki/Red/Khaki band (initially the NZRB wore a all Khaki band, but this later changed to the colours worn by all New Zealand Infantry). He also has a black square patch to his left sleeve, which shows he is a member of the 2nd Battalion, NZRB. |
- Above: A small Collar size badge worn or given by Ernest, in the shape of the 23rd Reinforcements. Brooched to back, it has the RD or Registered Design number "RD 902" to just above the lower banner.
- Opposite: A silk handkerchief given by Ernest to his Sister Mabel in New Zealand. Embroidered to one corner "Greetings from Salisbury-Plains". |
RD or Registered Design number 902 is to Elden Kenneth Stuart Neill, 65 Hutt Road, Petone, N.Z. on the 12th of October 1916.

- Opposite: A French made silk card sent by Earnest to his Sister in a letter. It is not postally used, so I presume included in a letter or envelop.
It depicts a Butterfly with the flags of the allies. From left to right: France, Great Britain, Italy, Romania, Russia, Belgium, Great Britain and United States of America.
To back, Ernest has written:
"To Mabel,
With Best Love
From Ernie xxxx"
" France Sept 21st 1917".
Made by " Fabrication Francaise, A. O. Paris".
It depicts a Butterfly with the flags of the allies. From left to right: France, Great Britain, Italy, Romania, Russia, Belgium, Great Britain and United States of America.
To back, Ernest has written:
"To Mabel,
With Best Love
From Ernie xxxx"
" France Sept 21st 1917".
Made by " Fabrication Francaise, A. O. Paris".

- Opposite: A French made, silk card, with original envelope sent by Ernest to his Sister, Miss Mabel Grindrod of Eden Vale Road, Mt Eden, Auckland, NZ, on the 25th of Jan 1918.
"Dear Mabe,
Just a p. c. to thank you for your letters which you sent me each mail, you are getting quiet a letter writer. I'm sorry I haven't got the time to write you a separate letter, but hope you will accept a postcard instead. With best love from your loving Brother, Ernie. XXXXXX".
Card maker is "Suie Timee E. D. Paris".
The small card inside depicts a soldiers holding onto his girl.
Ernest went on to serve with with the NZRB in France from Sept 1917 to October 1918. He then transferred to the 1st Battalion of the Otago Infantry Regiment. Happily he survived the war and returned safely to New Zealand in May 1919.
"Dear Mabe,
Just a p. c. to thank you for your letters which you sent me each mail, you are getting quiet a letter writer. I'm sorry I haven't got the time to write you a separate letter, but hope you will accept a postcard instead. With best love from your loving Brother, Ernie. XXXXXX".
Card maker is "Suie Timee E. D. Paris".
The small card inside depicts a soldiers holding onto his girl.
Ernest went on to serve with with the NZRB in France from Sept 1917 to October 1918. He then transferred to the 1st Battalion of the Otago Infantry Regiment. Happily he survived the war and returned safely to New Zealand in May 1919.

- Opposite: A Gold letter/numbers, with silver frame Sweethearts badge to "J" Company, 24th Reinforcements. Brooch fitting to back, with no maker marks (image from the internet).
The 24th NZRB reinforcements used only G, H & J Companies, and were the 18th draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 15th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
1st Draft of the 24th Reinforcements left NZ on the 6th of April 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 21 Officers and 897 Other Ranks.
2nd Draft of the 24th Reinforcements left NZ on the 26th of April 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 19 Officers and 927 Other Ranks.
Vessel used from Wellington:
- Devon via Cape Horn & Cape Town - to Plymouth - 80 days duration
- Pakeha via Cape Good Hope - to Devonport - 80 days duration
The 24th NZRB reinforcements used only G, H & J Companies, and were the 18th draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 15th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
1st Draft of the 24th Reinforcements left NZ on the 6th of April 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 21 Officers and 897 Other Ranks.
2nd Draft of the 24th Reinforcements left NZ on the 26th of April 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 19 Officers and 927 Other Ranks.
Vessel used from Wellington:
- Devon via Cape Horn & Cape Town - to Plymouth - 80 days duration
- Pakeha via Cape Good Hope - to Devonport - 80 days duration

The 25th NZRB reinforcements used only G, H & J Companies, and left NZ on the 26th of April 1917. They were the 19th draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 16th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- The 25th Draft consisted of 38 Officers and 1816 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Tofua & Turakina via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 85 days duration
- Opposite: A 9ct Gold letter/numbers Sweethearts badge to H Company, 25th Reinforcements. Brooch fitting to back (Ian Hamilton collection).
The 26th NZRB reinforcements used only G, H & J Companies, and were the 20th draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 17th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
1st Draft of the 26th Reinforcements left NZ on the 9th of June 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 23 Officers and 1167 Other Ranks.
2nd Draft of the 26th with part of the 27th Reinforcements left NZ on the 12th of June 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 35 Officers and 1728 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington:
- Willochra via Cape Good Hope - to Devonport - 66 days duration.
- Maunganui via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 66 days duration.
- Tahiti via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 66 days duration.
- The 25th Draft consisted of 38 Officers and 1816 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Tofua & Turakina via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 85 days duration
- Opposite: A 9ct Gold letter/numbers Sweethearts badge to H Company, 25th Reinforcements. Brooch fitting to back (Ian Hamilton collection).
The 26th NZRB reinforcements used only G, H & J Companies, and were the 20th draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 17th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
1st Draft of the 26th Reinforcements left NZ on the 9th of June 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 23 Officers and 1167 Other Ranks.
2nd Draft of the 26th with part of the 27th Reinforcements left NZ on the 12th of June 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 35 Officers and 1728 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington:
- Willochra via Cape Good Hope - to Devonport - 66 days duration.
- Maunganui via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 66 days duration.
- Tahiti via Cape Good Hope - to Plymouth - 66 days duration.
- Above: A WW1 image of No. 27 Platoon, G Coy, (Reinforcements for the NZRB), 26th Reinforcements in training camp in NZ. Most are wearing a generic NZRB Reio Cap Badge (see below) on a slouch hat, with NZRB Collar badges. One or two are though wearing the Infantry 26th Reio Cap Badge and "Canoe" Collars. Note the NCO's wear a peaked cloth Cap instead of the Slouch hat.
The 27th NZRB reinforcements used only G, H & J Companies, and were the 21st draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 18th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
1st Draft of the 27th Reinforcements - see above for details of the 26th Reinforcement Draft which was combined with part of the 27th).
2nd Draft of the 27th Reinforcements left NZ on the 16th of July 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 16 Officers and 724 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Athenic via Cape Good Hope - to Liverpool - 63 days duration.
The 27th NZRB reinforcements used only G, H & J Companies, and were the 21st draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 18th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
1st Draft of the 27th Reinforcements - see above for details of the 26th Reinforcement Draft which was combined with part of the 27th).
2nd Draft of the 27th Reinforcements left NZ on the 16th of July 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 16 Officers and 724 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Athenic via Cape Good Hope - to Liverpool - 63 days duration.
The 28th NZRB reinforcements used only G, H & J Companies, were the 22nd draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 19th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
1st Draft of the 28th Reinforcements left NZ on the 14th of July 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 19 Officers and 893 Other Ranks.
2nd Draft of the 28th Reinforcements left NZ on the 26th of July 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 19 Officers and 891 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Waitemata & Ulimaroa via Cape Good Hope - to Liverpool - 67 days duration.
The 29th NZRB reinforcements used only G & H Companies. They were the 23rd draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 20th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
1st Draft of the 29th Reinforcements left NZ on the 13th & 15th of Aug 1917.
- The combined Drafts consisted of 28 Officers and 1347 Other Ranks.
2nd Draft of the 29th Reinforcements (and 30th Reinforcements) left NZ on the 13th of Oct 1917.
Vessels used from Wellington: Mokoia & Ruahine via Panama - to Glasgow - 50 days duration.
1st Draft of the 28th Reinforcements left NZ on the 14th of July 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 19 Officers and 893 Other Ranks.
2nd Draft of the 28th Reinforcements left NZ on the 26th of July 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 19 Officers and 891 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Waitemata & Ulimaroa via Cape Good Hope - to Liverpool - 67 days duration.
The 29th NZRB reinforcements used only G & H Companies. They were the 23rd draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 20th draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
1st Draft of the 29th Reinforcements left NZ on the 13th & 15th of Aug 1917.
- The combined Drafts consisted of 28 Officers and 1347 Other Ranks.
2nd Draft of the 29th Reinforcements (and 30th Reinforcements) left NZ on the 13th of Oct 1917.
Vessels used from Wellington: Mokoia & Ruahine via Panama - to Glasgow - 50 days duration.

The 30th NZRB reinforcements used only H Company. It was the 24th draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 21st draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
The 30th Reinforcements (and some of the 29th) left NZ on the 13th of Oct 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 39 Officers and 1568 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Corinthic & Arawa via Panama - to Liverpool - 57 days duration.
- Opposite: A Silver framed, with gold "H" over "XXX" sweethearts badge to "H" Company, 30th NZRB Reinforcements. Brooch fitting to back (image from the internet).
The 31st NZRB reinforcements used only G Company. It was the 25th draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 22nd draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- 31st & 32nd Reinforcements left NZ on the 17th & 22nd of Nov 1917.
- The combined Draft consisted of 53 Officers and 2351 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Willochra, Managanui & Tahiti via Panama - to Liverpool - 49 days duration.
There were no further reinforcement drafts for the New Zealand Rifle Brigade from New Zealand after the 31st Draft.
The 30th Reinforcements (and some of the 29th) left NZ on the 13th of Oct 1917.
- The Draft consisted of 39 Officers and 1568 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Corinthic & Arawa via Panama - to Liverpool - 57 days duration.
- Opposite: A Silver framed, with gold "H" over "XXX" sweethearts badge to "H" Company, 30th NZRB Reinforcements. Brooch fitting to back (image from the internet).
The 31st NZRB reinforcements used only G Company. It was the 25th draft for the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the 22nd draft for the 3rd and 4th Battalions of NZRB.
- 31st & 32nd Reinforcements left NZ on the 17th & 22nd of Nov 1917.
- The combined Draft consisted of 53 Officers and 2351 Other Ranks.
Vessels used from Wellington: Willochra, Managanui & Tahiti via Panama - to Liverpool - 49 days duration.
There were no further reinforcement drafts for the New Zealand Rifle Brigade from New Zealand after the 31st Draft.
Generic NZRB Reinforcement Badges
As well as the above badges, numbered and lettered for each draft, the New Zealand Rifle Brigade wore their own Cap badge and Collars while training in New Zealand, in camp and also wore generic cap badge and collars as well. It was down to taste or preference as to which one was worn.
The New Zealand made NZRB badges (opposed to the overseas worn Gaunt made badges) tend to be slightly larger and have a straight pennant to top. There are many variations.
The New Zealand made NZRB badges (opposed to the overseas worn Gaunt made badges) tend to be slightly larger and have a straight pennant to top. There are many variations.
- Above: A gilt brass Cap or Collar badge to the NZRB. NZ made, with two brass hex lugs to back. No maker and 40mm by 27mm.
- Above: A gilt brass Collar badge to the NZRB. NZ made, with two copper wire lugs to back. No maker and 39mm by 25mm.
- Above: A darkened brass Cap or Collar badge to the NZRB. NZ made, with two copper wire lugs to back. No maker and 40mm by 27mm.
- Above: A gilt brass Cap or Collar badge to the NZRB. NZ made, with two copper wire lugs to back. No maker and 40mm by 27mm.
- Above: A two piece, standard Cap badge, commonly encountered for the NZRB Reinforcements. Note the motto has been left on the Cap badge size center.
- Above: Same frame again, this time in a darkened, black finish overall, which was the colour used on all NZRB insignia. They earned the nicknamed the "Black Button Bastards" by the Germans on the Western Front.
- Above: A darkened brass (black paint), two piece NZRB Reinforcement Cap badge, made from a frame worn from the 12th/13th Reinforcements onwards. The badge to center is about 2/3rds normal size. Two wire copper loops to back, and size 43mm by 33mm.
- Above Right: An image of Rifleman A Stewart with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. He wears the above type NZRB Reinforcement Cap badge, and two, opposing NZRB Collar badges. To his shoulder board looks to be a "25" over "NZRB" in brass (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-S3243).
- Above: The frame was worn from around the 16th/17th Reinforcement drafts, the center has a NZRB badge with motto and is in gilt brass finish. Two wire looped lugs to back.
- Above Left: An image of 27692 2nd Lieutenant (later Temp Captain) Martin Driscoll Rohan, here of "G" Company, 19th Reinforcements (10th Reinforcement draft for 3rd Batt). He wears the above badge to his peaked Cap, and a pair of NZRB Collar badges. Martin was sadly KIA'ed on the 22nd of Aug 1918 (Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 31-R2450).
- Above Right: An image of 42870 Rifleman William John Adam Prussing, here part of "H" Company, 24th Reinforcements for the NZRB, taken in 1917, in Wellington, by Berry & Co. He wears the above Cap badge (with NO motto to base of badge), NZRB Collars and "H" over "24" over "NZR" on his shoulder boards (Te Papa B.046494).
- Above Right: An image of 42870 Rifleman William John Adam Prussing, here part of "H" Company, 24th Reinforcements for the NZRB, taken in 1917, in Wellington, by Berry & Co. He wears the above Cap badge (with NO motto to base of badge), NZRB Collars and "H" over "24" over "NZR" on his shoulder boards (Te Papa B.046494).
- Above: Another frame type, but note the mid size NZRB cap badge to center.
- Above: A variation to the NZ Rifle Brigade Reinforcement Cap badge. This time on a "Expeditionary Forces" frame more associated with the 34th Reinforcements. Note the NZRB faces also the other way (so a collar badge). This is a full size NZRB badge to center. Two rounded copper looped lugs to back. No maker mark but the frame has the characteristics of being Stokes & Sons.
- Above: A scarce NZ Rifle Brigade Reinforcement Collar badge on a "Expedit. Forces" frame, with Kiwi at base. The separate NZRB badge is half size to front, and the whole brass badge has been darkened. Two hex type brass flat lugs to back. No maker mark.
- Above: A pair of scarce collars worn by the NZ Rifle Brigade Reinforcements. They don't appear often, so may not have been popular at the time or widely worn. Two brass hex type lugs to back, and size 32mm by 28mm.
- Above Left: A multi piece gilt brass, enamel, mother of pearl and Stirling Silver sweethearts badge to the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. Brooch fitted to back of brass backing, with a mark which says "Real Silver Rim".
- Above Right: A Stirling Silver (not marked) Cap badge size sweethearts badge to the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. Brooch fitting to back. |
- Above: Three association pins to the NZRB. Worn by veterans on their lapels. The above left was made by either Joseph Richardson or Theo Meyer, both manufactures of Auckland (Ian Hamilton Collection).
- Above: A 9ct gold sweethearts badge to the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. Brooch fitting to back (image from internet).
- Above: A gold center, with silver frame sweethearts badge to the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. Brooch fitting to back (image from internet).
- Above: A 9ct gold, with green enamel sweethearts badge to the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. Brooch fitting to back, size 38mm by 26mm (image from internet).